Monday, February 14, 2011

I don't need a surge protector.

I'm incredibly tired.

Probably because I woke up once each hour during the night.

When I feel like this, it's easy to justify my lack of direction, focus, and purpose. Quite honestly, writing this is another way to distract myself from being proactive.

I've been thinking about desiring God lately, and I've come to find that it's extremely difficult.

Please don't think that I mean that it's difficult to love God, or that there isn't a reason (or many) to love Him. It's just that our society has done a great job of paralyzing our spirits. We've created a ton of really cool things to entertain us.

In fact, right now I'm thinking about the TV show I'll probably watch later on.

Is it important? Is it useful. Not really.

A couple weeks ago I realized that I am addicted to entertainment. The majority of the time it's a waste of that time. But we've latched onto it so much that I sometimes forget that God's word, God's Spirit, and the business of Heaven are so much more inviting.

Lately I've been reading Isaiah and Jeremiah.

It has been captivating.

Reading those books, you can hear the voice of God, in all range of emotions. First you hear Him outraged, shocked at the betrayal of the people He loves. You hear his frustration as His people have the audacity to doubt His power.

But my favorite is when you can hear his love. He has been betrayed, doubted, forgotten, and cheated on, yet his love hasn't shrunk back.

If anything it surges, desiring to take back what is His.

God's love surges to take us back.

I am not a good person, and I often waste my time. I struggle and wrestle with how to be proactive with the gifts God has given me.

I sometimes don't even know if the good I think I'm doing is good at all.

Yet God's love surges to take me back.


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