Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is "fair?"

Sometimes, people ask you questions that you've had yourself for quite some time.

The other day I was working with a friend of mine who has no background in Christ, not even cultural familiarity with the concept of God.

This makes for some interesting questions.

Questions that you wish there were easy answers to, but you know there are not.

Something many people talk about is whether or not things that God decrees are fair.
So let's define fair:

fair 1 |fer|adjective
1 in accordance with the rules or standards

So being fair is to act in accordance to rules or standards. My question is- who makes the rules or standards?

There are many things I don't understand about the Lord. Sometimes I am frustrated at why things in this life are the way they are.

Part of it is my culture. I am from a culture that wants to make everything "fair" at the cost of being unrealistic. I am from a culture that says that everything that once was thought to be right is no longer true.

Thus, I am from a culture of skepticism.

And that makes it hard to have faith. You see, the cultural side of me- even as I write this- says that to have faith in something that logically doesn't always make sense is foolishness.

Which again begs the question, who is more aware? More logical?

There's a song I used to listen to that says "You never minded giving us the stars- and then showing us how blind and unaware of you we are."

While I'm not writing this to show you about all the song/pop culture references I know, I think that it's a valid point- we don't know everything.

But I think that having a professed faith also means that our actions must speak more than our words. We are not here to show everyone our "Christian ID badge" and then make declarations about what is right or wrong.

Because God didn't tell us to be the police of the world.

"For God wants you to silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good."
1 Peter 2:15


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Putting first things first

I suppose I haven't written in the last few weeks for a few reasons.

The first and most obvious is that I've been busy. I'm getting married soon, looking for a new job, and a whole assortment of other things.

The second is that I've let those things disturb my relationship with the Lord.

It's strange how we allow the simple, mundane aspects of life overcrowd and overwhelm are lives.

I went from spending great time with the Lord to hoping I get chance to talk with Him on the way out the door or in the car.

And it's there that I've realized I have put the meaningless in front of the meaningful.

The things to do, work, and everything else needs to wait.

Because we need our God.
