Thursday, July 29, 2010

I've got a picture at Mt. Rushmore, but I forgot what I did there...

I'm in class. I know that I shouldn't be writing a blog entry while in class, but let's be honest- I'm a distracted person at times.

As a matter of fact, it's the end of the semester and I feel like my mind has already checked out. It feels strange being a student. It also feels strange knowing that I may not use this degree for anything in particular.

I spoke with somebody today in regards to living life. I made the comment to this person that I wondered why "some people wait to start their life when they started living a long time ago."

That's the idea I've been bouncing around in my head lately- how am I living life right now? How am I getting excited about where I'm at and what I'm doing and who I'm around at this moment in time? Otherwise we're all just waiting around in between big events.

So how to do this? For a future focused obsessing person such as myself, this can be a ludicrously hard task.

I'm trying everyday just to enjoy this blessing called life, and these blessings known as the people I run into.

Sometimes we get so focused on the end point- the finish line, that we forget about the race. We get so focused at taking a picture that we forget to enjoy the scenery behind us.

So that's where I'm at- trying to be content in any and all situations.

Here we go!