Monday, March 14, 2011

Granola bars in your hand, not in your stomach?

It's been a week or so since I've written.

I'd sort of dropped off over the last week, kind of checked out.

Sometimes it feels as if I do that with the Lord.

I ask God for help, beg him for assistance. He is great, and He shows His love for us many times over. Yet, I always find myself making excuses, trying to avoid God. Sometimes it's because I convince myself I'm too tired to read from the bible, or pray.

But I wasn't too tired to read news articles online for forty-five minutes, so where was my priority?

To be honest, I spend more time on trivial things that don't matter then on reading good books, doing good deeds, and making righteous plans.

So what does that say about my love for God?

It basically says I don't love God more than these things. I know that in my heart I feel love for God, and I vocally state that I love God, but my actions are often third to cross the finish line.

God's grace is sufficient, but I know I need and want more than what I'm doing.

What I mean is this: You know how during the day, if you haven't eaten much, or you perhaps skipped lunch, that you can physically tell your blood sugar is a bit low?

Usually the tell-tale signs are unprovoked frustration, headaches, apathy, etc.

I think the same thing goes for our experience with God. We have the Holy Spirit within us, but when we don't actively seek out the Lord it's kind of like being hungry all day while holding a granola bar in your hand. It leaves you feeling empty, when all you had to do was realize you had the solution with you all along.


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